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Herbal Home Remedies for Cold and Cough

Updated: Jun 21, 2020

Treating cough and cold through home remedies is given high prominence in every household. But all it requires is patience and continuous effort in making these regularly and offering them.


Honey coats and soothes the throat.

Honey is not recommended for infants as it can cause infant botulism.

  • 1/2 tsp honey is recommended for 2-5 years children,

  • 1 tsp honey for 6-11 years children and

  • 2 tsp for those above 12 years of age.

Other Granny remedies with honey-

  • Mix 1 tsp each of fresh lemon juice and honey in 1 cup warm water. It can be given 2-3 times per day.

  • Herbal tea with honey may work wonders for adults during monsoon.

  • Ginger (coarsely pound) boiled in 1 cup water and reduced to half a cup with 1 tsp honey.

Betel leaf:

  • Apply mustard oil on the betel leaf and heat it lightly. Once cooled place on your child's chest to relieve cold.

  • Squeeze the juice of betal leaf and offer 3-4 drops to infant 2-3 times a day. This removes the decongestion and eases breathing in children.


  • Take 1 tsp of Ajwain seeds or carom seeds or thymol seeds or thyme in a cloth and warm it on a pan. Check temperature and press the same on your child's chest. This may help relieving congestion.

  • Also you can make a paste of garlic, onion and ajwain, warm it and apply on the chest, back and forehead while your child is asleep. Ajwain can be mixed in milk or wheat jaggery drink and given to your child.

  • Water boiled with ajwain is a good tonic for cough.

  • Ajwain leaf can be added to the boiled water, closed and can be given instead of just boiled, cooled water. Sips of hot ajwain water may help.


  • Allicin is the enzyme containing anti bacterial, antifungal property in garlic which treats cold and flu.

  • Minced garlic can be incorporated during the mealtimes, for the soups etc and given for children.

  • Warm mustard oil with garlic. Once cooled can be rubbed on chest of your kid. This is an effective rub as it gives warmth and induces sleep.

  • Tomato and garlic soup or rasam.

  • Garlic with honey and lemon mixed in warm water.

Tulsi and Ginger mix:

  • Take the juice of ginger, crush tulsi leaves to it and add honey. You can add this mixture to the warm water and give to the older children to get relief.

Ginger coffee:

  • Boil 1 cup water with 2 slices of ginger, 2 tulsi leaves, 2 pepper pods, 2 cardamom, 2 cloves and 1 tablespoon jaggery. Strain the concoction.

Tulsi & Ginger with Honey:

  • While Tulsi is not exactly basil and I am not sure if you get Tulsi as easily in any other country but India but its got excellent medicinal properties.

Turmeric and Milk:

  • Besides ginger tea or masala chai, warm milk and turmeric mixture is a popular and effective way to fight a cough.

Turmeric & Honey:

  • The kids love honey and it actually has healing and soothing properties so mix it with a pinch of turmeric powder which also has antispetic properties and can fight the infection in the throat well.

Pepper: Helps remove phlegm.

  • Honey with crushed pepper corns

  • Powdered mixture of jaggery and peppercorn

Apple cider vinegar:

  • 1 tsp each of honey and apple cider vinegar with 1 gkass water.

  • 1/4 tsp pepper, 1/2 tsp crushed ginger, 1 tablespoon each of apple cider vinegar and honey, 2 tablespoon water (take 2 teaspoon per day)

#Homeremedy-coughand cold #Betel leaf #Applecider vinegar #Ajwain #Ginger

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