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Ear infection - What You Should Know!

Updated: Jun 9, 2020

There is a good chance of developing middle ear infection early in your baby's life (6 months to 3 years of age) due to weakened immunity. Ear infections are common in cold and flu season of winter. It usually occurs as a symptom of common cold or severe throat infection.


  • Heredity

  • Secondhand smoke

  • Crowded day care

  • Self feeding (with bottle) on back

  • Pacifiers

  • unknown

Signs and symptoms:

  • Crying (due to ear pain)

  • Ear tugging or pulling

  • Fever

  • Reduced activity and irritability

  • Reduced appetite or difficulty eating (due to ear pain during sucking or swallowing)

  • Vomiting

  • Hearing loss (persistent infection)

  • Blood tinged yellow fluid or pus draining from infected ear.


  • Pain releaving drops.

  • Antibiotics (if symptoms persist)

  • Tymphanostomy or ventilating tubes (in case of recurrent ear infection)


  • Breastfeeding upto 6 months.

  • While bottle feeding, hold the baby's head above stomach to avoid formula entering the ear.

  • Vaccinating your baby promptly reduces the incidence of cold and other infections.

  • Avoid crowded day care.

  • Avoid smoking.

Researchers at Harvard School of Public Health found a reduction in secondhand smoke in American homes was associated with fewer cases of otitis media or middle ear infection (WebMD News - Jan 28, 2011).

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