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Baby Chart for 7+ Months

Hurray!Your infant is the second stage of their active life and mums life gets busier all of a sudden.

Your baby is likely to weight between 5.8-kgs and height is 62.9 – 71..

They may start teething that can disrupt the routines. They may show signs of irritation and crankiness and not accepting to weaning foods. But these are just the passing clouds and the life will revert to normal.

Since they are into lots of crawling, exploring and starts showing the signs of naughtiness, it can keep mothers busy and exhausted throughout the day. Post-partum depression may set in and if you see that its hitting hard on you, contact your physician or psychologist.

Nutrition for your Baby

Since they are into a lot of exploring things around them and you may want to continue to have thick purees of fruits, vegetables and cereals.Do not dilute the foods as it can result in malnutrition!

Honey,cow's milk, salt and sugar are still off their platter. They are still developing the taste buds and need no extra tastes or flavours as such. 

Continue to introduce one food at a time to rule out allergic reactions to a particular food. 

In addition to 6 months food, the below list of foods can be added

to their food chart

Cereals and Grains:

  • Red rice

  • Sooji


  • Moong dal

  • Toor dal


  • Sweet potato

  • potato

  • Beans

  • Green peas, fresh

  • Spinach


  • Avocado

  • Papaya

  • Banana varieties

  • Prunes

  • Peaches

 Dairy Products and Oils:

  • Curd /yogurt

  • Ghee

  • Coconut oil


  • Milk and dairy products

  • Nuts

Fruits and vegetables should be prime focus:

Ok! It is easier to stick to foods that calcium and protein dense like rice porridge, moong dals, ragi porridge and so on. Bananas and apples are the doctor fruits. So, consider to other adding the vibrantly colored fruits and vegetables without compromising the mother feed.

Avocado, sweet potato, papaya just don't boast about their having vibrant hues, they hold the super-healthy doze of antioxidant compounds like vitamin A and C that protect from various ailments and cancer.  Yes! build your kids immune system and prevents from dryness of skin and eyes. 

Vegetable purees can meet the needed vitamin B's and C helps to boost the immune system. Puree the fruits and vegetables and trickle their taste-buds keeping them Fructose - friendly!!

Don't worry about the quantity of food consumption. Follow the baby's hunger cues and take the lead in feeding them. Your baby's appetite varies from time to time and with every baby depending on the activity to developmental milestones. 

Approximate quantity of weaning foods include:

  • 1/4 cup of fruit

  • 1/4 cup of vegetables

  • 1/4 cup of cereal and pulses. Gradually increase to 1/2 cup

I have listed some collection of 7 months old baby foods and purees.  You can choose based on the availability, convenience and seasonality of foods.

Feeding Tips:

  • Every kid is different in their physical development. Therefore, if your infant shows signs of interest in eating, you may even try the baby-led weaning method. However, it is essential to be cautious about allergic reactions to foods and choking that may result from certain foods.

  • Offer new foods when they are hungry, particularly after their sleep or playtime.

  • There is still a chance to offer foods which they have refused before.

  • Introduce foods that are nutrient-dense and semi-solid in consistency. Fruits and vegetables can just be mashed with hand or spoon. If they find swallowing difficult, use a blender to puree the food. It does not require straining unless the food is fibrous.

Remember that solids foods however can't replace mother's milk during the first year of their life. 

Below is your handy 7 month's sample baby chart to plan a day's meal before- hand that saves your kitchen chaos.

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