Emotional Changes During Pregnancy
If you are a mom-to be, it is common to go through this emotional phase of life. Emotional changes include stress, mood swings, depression, anxiety etc. Emotional changes in the first trimester are due to soaring hormone levels in the body. You may have mixed feelings about what is going to happen ahead in your life. It's natural to worry about your baby's health, your adjustment to motherhood, physical well being, relationship with your partner and the financial demands of raising a child. Simple ways to cope up with emotional changes are: 1. Keep your lines of communication open – Talk to a friend or a family member who might be very helpful and can understand you at this time, especially if the feelings of anxiety and tension appear to significantly interfere with your day-to-day activities. 2. Give yourself sometime to relax - Be prepared to give up some control over the life-style. Make sure you relax during any time of the day. It can be reading a book, listening to music or just lying down. This can bring in zeal of energy to cope up with rest of the day. 3. Practice relaxation techniques – Apart from your relaxation time, it is essential to practice relaxation techniques like yoga or meditation that help both your body and mind return to a calm, relaxed state. 4. Do not reject the help offered – You are lucky if someone is ready to share the work with you. Accept it! There is no wrong if your work is being shared or if you ask for it. Working together brings in positive energy and confidence. 5. Take a walk with your close ones – If it is your friend, discuss about parenting, motherhood and changes they underwent during and post pregnancy. By doing so, it can help you to plan your life ahead. 6. Eat nutritious food – You will need to change the time for meals to make sure that you are able to eat a balanced diet. Studies have shown that, including good amount of fresh fruits and vegetables and nuts in your daily diet can make a difference. It helps to boost good energy levels thereby reducing the anxiety and stress level. However, you as a pregnant woman can evaluate the amount of stress or depression you are currently undergoing and make changes in your life better to deal with. Accept that pregnancy is over whelming with heightened emotional changes! If you are still facing psychological problems that are interfering with your daily life or relationships, talk to your doctor and seek help.