Foods to avoid during your infant's 1st year of growth!
Here is a list of foods that you should avoid:-
Honey - can lead to muscle weakness, poor sucking, a weak cry, constipation
Cow’ Milk - doesn't provide all the proper nutrients for a growing infant
Egg Whites - may cause allergies/allergic reactions
Citrus - can cause an upset tummy
Seafood - can cause allergies. Consult before giving you baby boneless fish
Wheat - potential allergic reactions. One should before consult before giving wheat
Large chunks of Food - to prevent choking. Breast milk exclusively for the first 6 months. Once your baby has started on solids, pea-sized food is recommended.
Soft foods - such as jellies should not be given.
Small hard foods - such as dried fruits, seeds, raisins, grapes, or popcorn. As all these food are choking hazards.
Fruit juices - cause diarrhea, tooth decay, and other chronic tummy problems
Chocolate - should be avoided as it contains caffeine along with high sugar content.
Raw vegetables - as they are choking hazards and also contain high levels of nitrates.
Sugar - can disrupt their appetite/ start resisting breastmilk.
Fried food- as it contains saturated and trans fat and can prevent babies from eating healthy food.